April 5, 2024
Hydrocarbon haters: You have no chance of success. Zero. Seven billion people agree, every day
Three billion people are trying to live like the west’s 700 million, and they will consume all of every type of energy that is available to do so.
Three billion people are trying to live like the west’s 700 million, and they will consume all of every type of energy that is available to do so.

Severe personality problems find *camouflage.* No one thinks “I’m a sadist” or “I’m a malignant narcissist.” They find a belief system/social group that validates their most hateful, destructive impulses & construes them as virtues. The most toxic and hateful people in the world are 100% convinced they fight for what is true and right.They find a way to give free rein to their cruelty, to attack, to treat others cruelly and viciously. *And they find allies to cheer them on* who also believe they are on the side of all that is true and good…the psychological processes are splitting, projection & projective identification. Splitting means not recognizing one’s own capacity for hate, cruelty, and destructiveness. The person is blind to the bad in themselves. Instead, they project the badness onto some designated other. And this other person, via the defense of projection, is now seen as the repository of all that is bad and evil and necessary to destroy. That’s the projection. The person now feels fully justified in unleashing their viciousness and hate on the other person, who is now seen (via projection) as someone monstrous who must be destroyed at all cost. If the person who is projected on attempts to protect or defend themselves, this is now seen as further confirmation of how hateful and evil they are (this is what is called is “projective identification.”) The end result is that the person can deny their own sadism, cruelty, and hate—while simultaneously acting it out without restraint. And feel themselves to be 100% on the side of truth and right as they do it.” – Jonathan Shedler via Twitter @JonathanShedler

You might read this post’s title and roll your eyes at perceived melodrama. You might send cranky Etam an email, explaining exasperatedly that no one is that dead set against hydrocarbons, that all activists want is to transition away from them as quickly as possible. 

If you thought that, you’d be wrong. There exists a very vocal, very powerful and very well funded group of ideologues that are blatantly determined to destroy the oil and gas industry. They’re not ‘transitionists’, they’re borderline anarchists. They mock and ridicule any attempt by the existing energy business to make emissions progress. 

[Interesting Read]
