April 7, 2024
We must ask an obvious, common-sense, omnibus question. Why is Ottawa intent on becoming Beijing-on-the-Rideau?
In following the WEF/CCP paradigm of digital surveillance and centralized control, Justin Trudeau is steering the country into the orbit of statist command from which it may never wholly emerge. His departure from the political scene can’t come soon enough.

It is no secret that Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau is a believer in and advocate for totalitarian forms of government. We recall his gushing eulogy for Cuban dictator Fidel Castro and his candid admiration for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) with its facility for “turning on a dime” in making and executing policy.

The fact that Miami has over the years become a haven for Cuban escapees and boat people and that Vancouver welcomes a steady stream of Chinese immigrants, who approximate 20% of the municipal census (as of 2019) and rising steeply like the city’s towering skyline where Chinese billionaires park their money, must mean something — more precisely, it must mean that Trudeau is grossly mistaken or even rather daft in his political loyalties, convictions, and affiliations.

As a graduate of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Young Global Leaders Programme and a disciple of its founder Klaus Schwab, Trudeau enjoys an intimate relationship with the proponents of the Great Reset that seeks to replace the successful free-market system of Western nations with an oligarchic model of top-down governance and corporatist domination, presumably for the benefit of all its “stakeholders.” What could go wrong?

Plenty. The WEF is obviously in a close, symbiotic relation with the CCP. It touts the necessity of constant surveillance to ensure compliance with its mandates and decrees, an agenda, in Jeffrey Tucker’s words, of “technocratic central planning rooted in deep suspicion of basic tenets of freedom.” The human being will be subject to enhanced biosecurity protocols, synthetic biology, detector algorithms, advanced AI, and genetic editing. The object is total control over the life of the individual, allowing the government to monitor all one’s activities — where we travel, what we buy, how we spend, where we save and invest, what we write, where we work, how many booster shots we have received, and so on. If we donate to the “wrong” cause or run afoul of social media, our credit card or passport can be instantly invalidated. The state’s credentialing system is all-powerful.

Indeed, As John Carpay, president of the Justice Center for Constitutional Freedoms, asserts in a report titled Canada’s Road to Beijing, “We are on the road to Beijing, and Canadians should be apprehensive. Things are moving fast, and Canadians should be very concerned that a free and democratic society is quickly headed towards a society where citizens can be cancelled by the government with the flick of a switch.” No need for gulags. The Social Credit State is adequate to the purpose.

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