April 9, 2024
Over the past three days we’ve seen just how spiteful and classist Corbynistas can be.
This is one of the ironies of the past three days: we’ve witnessed the failures of the centrist project initiated by Starmer, yes, but we are also witnessing the nadir of Corbynism.
This is one of the ironies of the past three days: we’ve witnessed the failures of the centrist project initiated by Starmer, yes, but we are also witnessing the nadir of Corbynism.

I don’t know what Keir Starmer can do to breathe life back into the Labour Party. I don’t think there’s much he can do, given he was the architect of Labour’s much-loathed Brexit-betraying policy, and given he is the archetype of the haughty, humourless managerial elites that working-class voters have grown to loathe. No amount of canoodling with the Union flag or eating fish and chips in public (where’s the aioli?!) can disguise what Keir really is.

But there is one thing I am certain beyond all reasonable doubt that Keir Starmer should not do – he should not take lectures, lessons or tips from the Corbynite wing of Labour. He should not take advice from the people who turned Labour from a relatively normal party into a hateful, identitarian outfit for middle-class cosplay Marxists and social-media loons who have a suspiciously lively hatred for the world’s only Jewish state. He should not accept sermons on how to revive Labour from party operators who lost millions of working-class voters to the Tories and who oversaw Labour’s worst General Election result since 1935.

The behaviour of Corbynistas since Labour’s rubbish showing in the local elections last week has been extraordinary. They’re behaving as if 2019 didn’t happen. As if Labour, when they were running the show, didn’t lose vast swathes of the Red Wall to Boris Johnson’s Conservative Party. ‘Jeremy held on to Hartlepool and now Starmer has lost it!’, they crow, neglecting to mention that Jeremy lost Bolsover, Bishop Auckland, Wakefield, Sedgefield, Don Valley… word length prevents me from listing all the working-class constituencies that fled Labour when it was being run by ‘Jez We Can’ activists more interested in upholding the right of trans women to poop in ladies’ bathrooms than in upholding the vote for Brexit.

[Interesting Read]

See Also:

(1) Effie Deans: Sturgeon’s Grand Tour

(2) The SNP cares nothing for democracy

(3) Keir Starmer’s relaunch descends into shambles

(4) Election results 2021: What they mean for Labour, the Tories and the SNP

(5) Labour simply doesn’t deserve vote of patriots it sees as bigoted northerners
