April 25, 2024
The Dems Could Bern It All Down
Let’s be clear about one thing – Bernie Sanders is not cute and he’s not funny. He’s an unrepentant adherent of a vicious ideology that has butchered better than 100 million people in the last hundred years.
Let’s be clear about one thing – Bernie Sanders is not cute and he’s not funny. He’s an unrepentant adherent of a vicious ideology that has butchered better than 100 million people in the last hundred years.

Communist curmudgeon Bernie Sanders is having his moment, threatening to actually win some of the early primaries and maybe even the nomination. This is bad, at least for the Democrats, since the idea of a weird crusty admitted socialist as their candidate is problematic – the problem being Americans aren’t insanely stupid enough to elect this guy president.

We hope.

Also note that I am excluding Vermont, New York and California from that statement, if you have somehow confused those mutant provinces with America.

But with Bernie rising in the polls, and his poisonous ideology gathering steam among the Democrat base, can we really laugh off this Soviet Union-loving crank? 

Gropey Joe is collapsing, and we still have not seen the full effect of what happens when America gets a load of his loser son, the $50,000 a month stripper impregnator. Once Joe takes his first real body blow, he’s going down. 

Heap Big Hack is the one trying to get as close to Sanders as she can without going full socialist – never go full socialist – but she’s flailing. Recently she decried our shameful failure to respond to America’s greatest crisis, that boy criminals pretending to be girl criminals still have to go to boy jails instead of girl jails. There’s no real room in the race for this forked-tongue phony. The kind of people who subscribe to her nonsense prefer the full-bore socialism of Sanders to Warren’s paleface imitation.


See Also:

(1) The Sad Little Low-Energy ‘Resistance’ Crowds Are Dwindling at Trump Rallies

(2) Sanders Supporters Shocked to Find Bias at CNN

(3) Warren Confronted Sanders Post-Debate: ‘You Called Me A Liar On National TV’

(4) The Cult Of Pelosi Is A Deadly Thing For Democrats’ Future

(5) 2020 Democrats’ Economic Doomsaying Is Preposterous
