April 24, 2024
Under Trudeau CERB stands for Canada's Easy Ripoff Bank
Canada has forked out 16.4% of GDP in payments to mostly middle or upper income people, kids and anyone who filled out a bloody form.
Canada has forked out 16.4% of GDP in payments to mostly middle or upper income people, kids and anyone who filled out a bloody form.

The Prime Minister and his government had only two tasks during the COVID crisis and have failed at both: Vaccine procurement and financial relief for Canadians during the lockdown.

Canada is now 38th in vaccinations, the cupboard is bare, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau this week ducked a question as to whether or not he’s begging for vaccines from India. The actual answer? He is.

I’ve written extensively about the life-threatening bungling by the Liberals in terms of procurement, and will do so in more detail. But the financial botch-up constitutes another type of malpractice. Trudeau handed out funds in a hurry using a firehose instead of targeting money to those in need. Billions are involved.

More than $636 million in CERB payments — that stands for Canada Emergency Relief Benefit — was doled out to 300,000 teenagers between 15 and 17. Most were in high school and, presumably, living with parents or guardians. They certainly were not homeless.

This boondoggle was predicted in a Fraser Institute report this summer based on demographics and the stupid open-ended criteria used to give away our money. Now documents quantify the imprudence.

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